Advance Directive

Advanced Directives instruct the members of a care team when the patient is unable to do so for themselves. All patients have the right to participate in their own health care decisions and can execute Advanced Directives and/or Powers of Attorney for Health Care Decisions.

However, unlike in an acute care hospital setting, our facility does not routinely perform “high-risk” procedures. While no surgery is without risk. the proceedures performed in this facility are considered to be of minimal risk. You will discuss the specifics of your procedure with your doctor who can answer your questions as to its risk, your expected recovery, and care after your surgery.

Therefore, it is our policy, regardless of the contents of any Advanced Directive or Power of Attorney that if an adverse event occurs during your treatment at this facility, we will initiate resuscitative or other stabilizing measures and transfer you to an acute care hospital where your wishes can be addressed according to your Advanced Directive or Power of Attorney. Your agreement with this facility’s policy will not revoke or invalidate any current health care directive or health care power of attorney.

Reference: Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. State Operations Manual, Appendix L-Guidance for Surveyors. Ambulatory Surgical Centers. March 15, 2013:416.50(c)

Patient Testimonial

“Outstanding medically skilled physicians and staff. Outstanding people skills: attentive, friendly, created a trusting, respectful atmosphere. Felt like I was in the best medical hands available! I found the pre and post-surgery phone contacts extremely beneficial”

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